40 simulated radiocarbon determinations for which the underlying calendar ages are
drawn (uniformly at random) from the period 550–500 cal yr BP.
$$f(\theta) = U[550, 500]$$
The observational uncertainty of each determination is set to be 15 \({}^{14}\)C yrs.
The corresponding \({}^{14}\)C ages are then simulated based upon the IntCal20 calibration curve
(convolved with the 15 \({}^{14}\)C yr measurement uncertainty):
$$X_i | \theta_i \sim N(m(\theta_i), \rho(\theta_i)^2 + 15^2),$$
where \(m(\theta_i)\) and \(\rho(\theta_i)\) are the IntCal20 pointwise
means and uncertainties.
This dataset matches that used in the package vignette to illustrate the Poisson process modelling.
A data frame with 40 rows and 4 columns:
- c14_age
The simulated \({}^{14}\)C age (in \({}^{14}\)C yr BP)
- c14_sig
The (fixed) \({}^{14}\)C age measurement uncertainty used in the simulation (set at 15 \({}^{14}\)C yrs)
- f14c
The corresponding simulated values of F\({}^{14}\)C concentration
- f14c_sig
The (fixed) corresponding F\({}^{14}\)C measurement uncertainty used in the simulation