255 radiocarbon determinations collated by Kerr and McCormick related to the
building and use of raths in Ireland in the early-medieval period.
Kerr, T., McCormick, F., 2014. Statistics, sunspots and settlement:
influences on sum of probability curves.
Journal of Archaeological Science 41, 493–501.
A data frame with 255 rows and 4 columns:
- c14_age
The observed \({}^{14}\)C ages of the samples (in \({}^{14}\)C yr BP)
- c14_sig
The uncertainty in the observed \({}^{14}\)C ages reported by the radiocarbon laboratory
- f14c
The observed F\({}^{14}\)C concentrations
- f14c_sig
The uncertainty in the observed F\({}^{14}\)C concentrations reported by the radiocarbon laboratory