The IntCal04 Northern Hemisphere radiocarbon age calibration curve
on a calendar grid spanning from 26,000–0 cal yr BP
(Before Present, 0 cal yr BP corresponds to 1950 CE).
Note: This dataset provides \({}^{14}\)C ages and F\({}^{14}\)C values
on a calendar age grid. This is different from the \({}^{14}\)C ages
and \({\Delta}^{14}\)C values provided in oxcal .14c files.
PJ Reimer, MGL Baillie, E Bard, A Bayliss, JW Beck, C Bertrand, PG Blackwell,
CE Buck, G Burr, KB Cutler, PE Damon, RL Edwards, RG Fairbanks, M Friedrich,
TP Guilderson, KA Hughen, B Kromer, FG McCormac, S Manning, C Bronk Ramsey,
RW Reimer, S Remmele, JR Southon, M Stuiver, S Talamo, FW Taylor,
J van der Plicht, and CE Weyhenmeyer. 2004.
Intcal04 Terrestrial Radiocarbon Age Calibration, 0–26 Cal Kyr BP.
Radiocarbon 46(3):1029-1058
A data frame with 3,301 rows and 5 columns providing the IntCal04 radiocarbon age calibration curve on a calendar grid spanning from 26,000–0 cal yr BP:
- calendar_age
The calendar age (in cal yr BP)
- c14_age
The \({}^{14}\)C age (in \({}^{14}\)C yr BP)
- c14_sig
The (1-\(\sigma\)) uncertainty in the \({}^{14}\)C age
- f14c
The \({}^{14}\)C age expressed as F\({}^{14}\)C concentration
- f14c_sig
The (1-\(\sigma\)) uncertainty in the F\({}^{14}\)C concentration